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Women Social Entrepreneurs
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Women Social Entrepreneurs

Shu Tan

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Sapa O’Chau


ベトナムのSapa Lao Chai(サパにあるラオチャイ村)に生まれる。


2007年、彼女がまだ10代の時にSapa O’Chauを4人のオーストラリア人の友人と構想を練り、創業。

2016年のForbes VietnamのUnder30に選ばれ、彼女の熱意はベトナム国内外の彼女のミッションを応援しようとする人々をインスパイアし続けている。World Responsible Tourism Awardsを2017年(ベスト・コミュニティ・イニシアティブ賞)、2016年(シルバー)、2016年はWorld Tourism for Tomorrow Awardsを受賞している。2019年には、東南アジアの社会起業家におくられるWomen of the Future Awardsのファイナリストに選ばれているほか、Asia's Woman Leaders Award by World Women Leadership Congress and Awardsを2019年に受賞している。



Women Social Entrepreneur who Empoer locals by Tourism and Education

Born in Lao Chai village, Sapa.

As a child street seller she saw first-hand the problems facing her ethnic minority community

Dreamed of helping young people like herself to go to school and set up their own businesses

In 2007 she developed the concept of Sapa O’Chau with 4 Australian friends

Forbes Vietnam 30 under 30 list of 2016. Her enthusiasm & dedication has inspired people from Vietnam and around the world to help her with her mission.

She led Sapa O'Chau to obtain international accreditation from World Responsible Tourism Awards 2017 (Best Community Initiative) and 2016 (SILVER) and World Tourism for Tomorrow Awards 2016 (Finalist)

Shortlisted for 2019 Women of the Future Awards - Southeast Asia Social Entrepreneur

2019 Asia's Woman Leaders Award by World Women Leadership Congress and Awards

Women Social Entrepreneur who Empoer locals by Tourism and Education

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