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Women Social Entrepreneurs
awsen women creating social impact awsen women creating social impact
Women Social Entrepreneurs

Naw Eh Wah

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Amazing Grace


ミャンマーに生まれ育つ。 幼い頃からジュエリー作りが得意で、捨てられているものでアクセサリーを作ろうと思ったのをきっかけに活動を始めた。障がいのある女性の雇用拡大を目指して、2012年に創業し、女性たちへの就業訓練や、柔軟な雇用の機会などを通じて、女性の所得向上を目指している。 2015年には、ヤンゴンにアクセサリーを売るAmazing Graceを構え、そこではプルタブで作ったカバンのような倫理的な商品を手作りし、販売している。2018年に沖縄で開催したAWSEN Summit vol.0にも登壇。現在1歳になる子どもの母親でもある。



A female social entrepreneur working to increase job opportunities for females with disabilities

She was born and raised in Myanmar. She has been proficient at making accessories since she was a child. She started her activity after realising that she wanted to create accessories out of scrap. In 2012, She founded her own business to enhance job opportunities for females with disabilities. Through job hunting support and flexible job opportunities, she is trying to increase the income females earn. In 2015, she opened an accessory shop, ‘Amazing Grace’ in Yangon, Myanmar and is now selling ethical merchandise, such as a bag made of ring pulls. Also, in 2018, she made a speech at AWSEN Summit volume.0, held in Okinawa, Japan. A parent of a one-year-old toddler.

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